Monday, April 9, 2012

Broodwar Hacker Scanner

I know that links get taken down over time or account required, so uploaded to 3 sites.
Check sum 34fb73314a37974bb8dbea8d80b617a

Broodwar Hack Scanner -
Original posts


This program is probably legacy at this point but can be used to detect old hacks on broodwar. If you played on you played against hackers. This can detect autosplit/gather, multiselect, zerg mineral hack, and my newly discovered autoqueue hack! I have this setup to scan only at latency.

This program can scan entire directories of .rep files. Test it against your thousands of replays! It is near impossible or too time consuming to actually look at bwchart logs and see who hacked but this program does the dirty work.

Use LAN or web cameras if you really care for a 100% clean game. I accept the possibility of false positives but I believe I near perfected this where it shouldn’t be an issue. Please analyze bwchart before throwing accusations against players.

I would like to update this to detect LAN hackers. If you have replays (at least 5) of hackers at lan latency, please let me know. I'm too lazy to download an old patch and test the hacks offline with them.